Sure, Granny, Let’s Get You to Bed!

Oops, you seem to have parked (crashed) right on Granny's mansion! You being an alien of considerable acting talent, a plan quickly forms in your mind.

It's easy: All you have to do is get Granny to bed before she realizes that her house is gone and her family is dead (on her birthday). As soon as she's gone to sleep, you can fix your ship and leave earth again.

Can you act your way out of this little mishap?


This game is the product of a Game Jam conducted by students of the Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK). The task was to create a game with the randomly determined theme masquerade and the genre visual novel. In a team of 4, we created a cute gory game about deception and disguise where you crashland on a foreign planet and need to deceive an old lady to escape back to space.


My contributions:
  • character art
  • narrative design

  • Andrin Hess (art, narrative design)
  • Vitor Huber (music composition, sound design)
  • Janosch Büchi (coding, gameplay, narrative design)

Screen captures from the final game.

Character 1: Granny.

Character 2: Alien (in various disguises).

January 2024